He served the Audit committee of the Singapore Disability Sports Council (SDSC). Thereafter, he requested to take up appointment at Singapore National Paralympic Council (SNPC) to streamline the finance functions. Dr Chinnu also served the Board of SNPC, Treasurer and Chair of Finance committee and member of Audit committee. As Treasurer of SNPC, he was involved in budgeting the Tokyo Paralympic games 2021. He was also part of special committee to restructure SNPC’s constitutions by incorporating the National Sport Association (NSAs) in the SNPC’s Board structure and aligning SNPC’s corporate governance with the International Paralympic Council. He helped to set up the finance and audit committee, developed the TORs for sub-committees and revamp the finance policies. He also leads and work with auditors to fix non-compliances with the FRSs and restate the financial statements.
Dr Chinnu is an active Grassroot leader at Bishan and Thomson Constituencies for more than 10 years where he initiated and supported various community related activities and also supported/sponsored residents living in rental units. He has attained the Long Service Award twice (2015 and 2021) from the People’s Association and the Long Service Medal (National Day Honours) in 2021 for community service. Dr Chinnu was also appointed as Community Lead Champion from 2013 to 2015 to train and develop Grassroot leaders at the various Grassroot Organisation. He served various committees within GROs including RC, CCMC and IACE and he also served as an auditor of the Indian Activities Executive Committee for three terms.
Dr Chinnu strongly believe in education and lifelong learning. He is currently serving MOE’s Compulsory Education Board and also COMPASS Advisory Committee. He is also serving the Board of Parent Support Group. He also served as a Board member of the MCCY’s Youth Corp Singapore and MSF’ National Family Council. He is currently a Member Audit, Risk and Compliance committee of National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC). Dr Chinnu conferred the Life Long Learning award by the President of the Republic of Singapore in 2008 which is Jointly Organised by the NTUC, WDA, Enterprise Singapore and MediaCorp. Dr Chinnu was appointed to give feedback on ITE’s accounting syllabus with the objective of making the syllabus relevant to the industry.
Dr Chinnu was appointed as a Village organiser to provide basic education to people leaving in the village and rural areas to increase the literacy level of the state. Dr Chinnu can be recognised with the Honourable Citizen Award by the Ministry of Education (Tamil Nadu Government) for his contribution in volunteer work.
Dr Chinnu was appointed the Adjunct Faculty of James Cook University (Australia) and University of Greenwich (UK) and Mentor to students for final year project by the Oxford Brooks University Accounting programme. Dr Chinnu is a facilitator, key note speaker, moderator and seminar leader at various professional institutions such as the Chartered Accounting of Singapore (ISCA), Institute of Chartered Accounting England and Wales (ICAEW), ACCA, local polytechnics, etc. Moreover, he is a trainer for Singapore and UK Chartered Accountant Qualification programme by the ISCA, Singapore Accountancy Commission (under Ministry of Finance Singapore) and ICAEW. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee of London School of Finance and Business and Singapore Accountancy Academy. He is currently a facilitator for the following courses at the ISCA: (a) Accounting and Audit of Government Grants (b)Accounting and Audit of Charities and Non-Profit Entities (c) Audit of Statutory Boards and Government and Linked Companies (d) Various FRS courses (e) Singapore Standards on Auditing (f) Internal Control
Dr Chinnu is also a Training Director of Stamford Practitioners Academy where he carries out in-house and public training on FRSs and SSAs for Public Accountants, CFOs and audit and finance professionals for their CDP programme
He has been appointed as an Honorary auditor of various Singapore Indian based institutions such Singapore Indian Educational Trust, The Society of Kalai Pithers, Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin and Abdul Kalam Vision Society. He was also the Auditor of Indian temples and Little India Shoppers and Heritage Association. He has been serving as a Mentor for Indian youths at SINDA.
Dr Chinnu is currently serving as a member of the Audit and Risk committee of SCAPE. Previously, he served as a Chairman of the Audit and Risk committee. He also served the Grant approval committee of Youth Corp Singapore. Dr Chinnu served in the Board of SHINE Children and Youth Service (Yishun centre) for five years. SHINE uses sports as one of the tools to empower youths at risk and integrate them into the main stream community. Dr Chinnu advised various youth related programmes. NCSS awarded Dr Chinnu the Invaluable Voluntary Service Award in 2015 for his contribution.
Dr Chinnu has been identified as a Youth Leader under Public, Private and People partnership scheme by the National Youth Council and National Employer Federations (SNF). Dr Chinnu is also the Community of Youth Leader at the National Youth Council (NYC)
In addition, Dr Chinnu is a supporter of art, heritage and culture. He is currently the management committee member and the Secretary of The Society of Kalai Pithers. Prior to current appointment, he held various positions such as Treasurer and internal auditor. Dr Chinnu is part of the committee (and also project Treasurer) to lead community integration programmes and was awarded the Singapore Book of Records
Dr Chinnu is a Board member and Lead the Finance committee of The Tapestry Project Limited which aims to help those with mental health issues.
Dr Chinnu is a strong believer of the National Service and support for National Service men by providing the best possible environment for them to serve the nation by pro-NS man polices at the company level. His firm awarded the NS-man Gold status recognition and Total Defence Award for SME category.
He has been appointed as the auditor of the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Singapore Malay SME Centre, Singapore Indian SME Centres and Singapore Indian Chambers of Commerce of Industry.
I founded Singapore Chamber of Commerce & Industry and help Singapore company extend the business to South Asia and build capacities for SME.
Dr Chinnu started work at the age of 17 with A level qualification and progressed and obtained various professional and academic qualifications. As a public Accountant/Auditors/Finance Professional, Dr Chinnu has 27 years of experience of which 17 years in practice and 10 years in the industry. He specialises in the audit of non-profit entities and he served as statuary auditor about 50 NPOs including several IPCs
On top of that, Dr Chinnu served the Board of Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (Singapore Branch) and serviced as chairman of various sub-committees such as Practitioners, Students, Audit Quality and Toastmasters. He also served as the member of ACCA’s public sector and employability sub-committee. He is a member and Chartered member of ACCA English Toastmasters Club (USA) and ACCA Mandarin Toastmasters Club (USA), respectively. Dr Chinnu also served Board member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (USA), Singapore Chapter and Management committee and Treasurer of Telok Blangah Toastmasters Club (USA) where he was conferred as Confident Communicator award. Dr Chinnu currently serves pro-pono volunteer at the ISCA which provide advisory services for the public to attend to their questions in relation to governance, accounting, finance and audit related clarification
Dr Chinnu was awarded the Honorary Doctorate degree in Finance for his contribution to the public and people sectors. Dr Chinnu cares for uplifting youth-at-risk, social mobility, integrating communities and volunteering at non-profit entities. Do not hesitate to reach out to him if he can be of any help for your institutions.